KS3 Art Scheme of Work: Colour Theory

I love this painting project because it introduces basic colour theory and you can add a range of different challenges each lesson. By the end of the project students are able to identify and mix paints to correctly have secondary and tertiary colours, and use their knowledge to create unique and vibrant final painted outcomes.

This art project is for Key Stage 3, but in school we teach it in line the the GCSE Art Assessment Objectives: students research an artist (Carolee Clark), they experiment painting with colour and drawing, they research their own ideas (using their own photographs), they design and then make their final piece.


Students start the project by researching artwork by Carolee Clark:

Key Stage 3 Painting scheme of work
Painting scheme of work KS3 art resources

Harmonizing - painting by Carolee Clark
Painting project for kids lesson resources
Carolee Clark artist research painting project

Students should identify the use of colours and patterns, noticing how the cooler colours are used for shadows and warmer colours are highlights. We have students create their own research pages about the artist but they could work in teams/tables to complete analysis sheets or homework etc.

Students then complete a series of tasks to practice mixing tints, shades, secondary and tertiary colours:

KS3 painting scheme of work lesson resources
art teacher lesson resources painting project

This is followed by going through some basic colour schemes such as warm and cool, harmonious and contrasting colours.

colour theory painting project (colour schemes)

Students are given a homework to bring in a photograph of their own that they would like to work with; this is really good for engagement as most students choose a picture of their pet or an animal they love!

You can differentiate this by giving students pictures to work from if their own aren’t great or clear enough to use.

Using their homework, students trace the outline of their animal (I had students up against the windows in the classroom) then start to add the main features (ears, eyes, nose, mouth etc.)

You can set a challenge for more able students to draw out their animal without tracing, but since this wasn’t a drawing project I wanted to get students into painting as soon as possible.

I then introduced the concept of contour lines, demonstrating and explaining to students that they should add lines and shapes to fill any big white spaces on their animal.

colour theory key stage 3 scheme of learning

Once all the animals are drawn / traced out and students have added contour lines and shapes to fill their drawing, they can start to paint. I had to photocopy all of their drawings onto thicker paper which is a bit time-consuming but worth it to maintain the quality of their work.

To begin painting, students work from their animal photographs and identify the shadows, highlights and midtones. In each section they try to use:

Cool colours = shadows
Warm colours = highlights
Neutral (greens and tertiary greens) = midtones

We used A4 size for the artworks, so the challenge in the practical lessons was to paint accurately. Each lesson I would demonstrate how to paint into the small shapes as accurately as possible, using smaller brushes really helps; in school we use these man-made fine round brushes which are not bad, however I found that the aluminium ferrules come loose quite easily.

If you’ve got the budget (!) something like Windsor and Newton round sable brushes are much better quality.

Students worked on their paintings each lesson, learning and practicing how to mix secondary and tertiary colours. To add more challenge to the painting, we had a rule that students shouldn’t paint the same colour next to each other.

Some of the students struggled with the different challenges: either painting accurately, not having the same colour next to each other or drawing in their contour lines. Some ended up filling their animals with different shapes (rather than following the flow of the outlines):


Any mistakes were used to set targets through self-assessment, peer-assessments etc. so students could work to make improvements each lesson. The last few steps of the project were to add patterns, then outline the main features of their animals.

Again, this step could be differentiated to increase the challenge by asking students to only work with contrasting colours when adding patterns. 

KS3 painting scheme of work colour theory

I had a lot of students asking if they could take their work home to complete, so I think that’s a good sign that they enjoyed the project! They worked really hard on them and have created some outstanding work!

I have this scheme of work available to share, so if you would like it please leave a comment or drop me an email and I can give you access to the PowerPoint.

What do you think of the work? Let me know!

KS3 Colour theory painting project - puppy
KS3 Colour theory painting project - panda
KS3 Colour theory painting project - giraffe
KS3 Colour theory painting project - dog
KS3 Colour theory painting project - pig

Found on theartteacher.net šŸŽØ

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280 thoughts on “KS3 Art Scheme of Work: Colour Theory

      1. Hi – yes of course, I just sent it. I haven’t taught anything about fantasy creatures for AGES, but I’ll have a look through my files and if I find something I’ll send it over šŸ™‚


  1. Hi, I believe my year 8 students would really enjoy this project. I would be very grateful if you could share your PowerPoint. Thanks in advance.


    1. Hi, I love your lesson so much. Itā€™s easy to follow. Would love to do it my students. Can you share me the ppt? Thanks. God bless!


  2. This looks fantastic and just what I was after. Could you please share it with me? I’ve also purchased the Kadinsky Project to use.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This resource looks great! I have already purchased one of your art projects, am I able to get this sent to me? I teach teenagers with autism and I believe they would really engage with this!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello,
    I have just stumbled on your fabulous website, which I have now bookmarked. If you are still sharing this resource could I request a copy too. thank you so much šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I really like how you adapt to your students and the goal of the project. Could you send me the PowerPoint to this lesson?


  6. Please could you share this resource with me I would love to use it in a Christmas present that I am putting together. Thanking you in advance for your help – it looks so interesting and enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi. I’ve just bought some of your resources from TES but didn’t see this one. It looks perfect for one of my small groups. Please could I have a copy. Thanks!


  8. Hello, I love this project. Lots of different learning aspects to it. I have just started home schooling my 11 year old. I would be so pleased if you have any schemes of work you could send my way. Thank you for your hard work!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I would be very grateful if you could email me the colour scheme powerpoint as I will be planning tomorrow!

    Thanks Kirsty


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